Anxiety is the body’s normal response to stress. It is a part of the “fight-or-flight” response that happens when someone faces a real or perceived physical or emotional threat.
Well Being
‘How often should I clean my dog?’ ‘Do pets need face masks?’: What to know about your pet and Covid-19

While there’s currently no evidence that pets play a role in spreading Covid-19 to people, it’s normal for pet owners to still be worried. Veterinarians and health experts answer common questions about how to keep yourself, your family and your pets safe during the pandemic.
The 6 Essential Oil Mistakes You’re Probably Making

As essential oils have become increasingly mainstream, you may have experimented by adding a signature scent to your space to transform your home or bedroom into a relaxing haven. Or maybe you’ve taken to wearing a diffusing pendant as a necklace to deliver all-day, on-the-go good vibes. Used in these ways, essential oils can be relaxing, invigorating, and simply lovely. Here’s what you need to know—if you don’t already—before the next time you turn on your diffuser.
Do You Have Heat Stroke or Heat Exhaustion? Learn the Signs

As warmer weather occurs, we tend to spend more time outside under the hot sun. It’s important to know the difference between heat stroke and heat exhaustion. Knowing the signs and symptoms of these two conditions could save your life or that of a loved one.

Vitamin C is necessary for the body to build collagen in bones and cartilage; helps iron absorption and protein metabolism; and lessens bruising by ensuring capillary walls and blood vessels are firm. Here are 6 surprising ways to ensure you get your vitamin C.
Why the Pandemic Is Probably Messing with Your Sense of Time

Stressful moments in our lives can change the way we perceive the passage of time, but there are ways you can help your mind feel like it’s back on track.
You’re Not Imagining It: You May Burn Easier After Spending So Much Time Inside

Increased indoor time may have a very strange unintended consequence when you do venture outside: You may burn easier when you do return outdoors.
Beat The Heat: Best Teas To Sail You Through Summer

Drinking hot, milky masala chai during summers, especially in India, is not a very good idea. Try these refreshing teas to keep cool naturally.
‘Our life is plasticized’: New research shows microplastics in our food, water, air

Microplastics, plastic pieces smaller than 5 millimeters, have become increasingly prevalent in the natural world, and a suite of studies published in the last three years, including several from 2020, shows that they’ve contaminated not only the ocean and pristine wildernesses, but the air, our food, and even our bodies.
11 Benefits of Cycling, Plus Safety Tips

Cycling is a low impact aerobic exercise that offers a wealth of benefits. It also varies in intensity, making it suitable for all levels. You can cycle as a mode of transport, for casual activity, or as an intense, competitive endeavor.